Synthesized here and presented in a concise, reader-friendly format, all clinicians, regardless of their background or familiarity with yoga, can understand and use these simple techniques as a way to help their clients achieve deeper, more lasting recovery. Unlike traditional, mat-based yoga, TSY can be practiced without one, in a therapist’s chair or on a couch. Emphasis is always placed on the internal experience of the client him- or herself, not on achieving the proper form or pleasing the therapist. As Emerson carefully explains, the therapist guides the client to become accustomed to feeling something in the body feet on the ground or a muscle contracting in the present moment, choosing what to do about it in real time, and taking effective action. In this way, everything about the practice is optional, safe, and gentle, geared to helping clients to befriend their bodies. With over 30 photographs depicting the suggested yoga forms and a final chapter that presents a portfolio of step-by-step yoga practices to use with your clients, this practical book makes yoga therapy for trauma survivors accessible to all clinicians. As an adjunct to your current treatment approach or a much-needed tool to break through to your traumatized clients, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga in Therapy will empower you and your clients on the path to healing.
In Trauma Made Simple, trauma expert Dr. Jamie Marich brings her practical style of training to print, using clinical common sense to wade through theory, research, and hype surrounding trauma. Learn about trauma in a way that is relevant to clinical work, including extensive coverage on PTSD and other diagnoses through a bio-psycho-social-spiritual lens. Make clinically informed decisions based on setting, client preparedness, and other contextual variables. Develop strategies for treatment planning based on the best possible treatments in the field today. Trauma Made Simple addresses a variety of issues that are imperative to trauma competency in clinical work, including how to handle grief and mourning, assessing for and addressing addiction (even if you are not an addiction counselor) and how to manage professional development issues, including self-care.
Trauma Model Therapy è stato scritto principalmente per i terapeuti, ma può essere letto anche dai pazienti, amici e parenti poiché è utilizzato uno stile colloquiale e il linguaggio tecnico è limitato. Il libro fornisce tecniche concrete, strategie e interventi in due modi: attraverso la descrizione e la discussione e tramite la trascrizione dei dialoghi della terapia. I trascritti sono un insieme di storie cliniche estratte da migliaia di ore di esperienza clinica. Nessuna vignetta clinica si riferisce a una persona in particolare, anche se molte persone potrebbero riconoscere in queste pagine parti delle loro terapie. Il lettore troverà illustrate tecniche che possono essere usate nel trattamento del disturbo dissociativo di identità, del disturbo dissociativo non altrimenti specificato, del sottotipo dissociativo della schizofrenia trattabile con la psicoterapia, ma anche nella terapia con persone che non hanno diagnosi di disturbo dissociativo. Le strategie del parlare con le voci e il lavoro diretto alle parti dissociate possono essere adattati al lavoro con gli aspetti interni del sé, ai pensieri e alle idee disfunzionali nel paziente non-dissociativo. Quindi questo libro fornisce risposte a un ampio range di problemi della salute mentale e delle dipendenze. La dissociazione è enfatizzata perché è un elemento essenziale della risposta al trauma e perché non è largamente compresa e riconosciuta come la depressione, l’ansia, la psicosi, l’abuso di sostanze, i disturbi alimentari e i disturbi di personalità
Una guida accessibile a tutti per imparare a capire come cominciano e si sviluppano i sintomi post-traumatici e come correggere i meccanismi mentali ed emotivi che stanno alla loro base. L’autore propone una serie di facili esercizi per focalizzare l’attenzione sulle sensazioni corporee connesse a visualizzazioni e fantasie legate al trauma o ai disturbi che esso scatena. Possiamo scoprire gli straordinari percorsi per la risoluzione del trauma, con alcune delle tecniche, qui illustrate per la prima volta in Italia, come il Somatic Experiencing. Un aiuto alla nostra psiche che ci viene principalmente dall’osservazione della natura intorno a noi, dove infinite volte animali e piante vivono traumi dai quali però hanno le capacità di uscire indenni, attuando istintivamente strategie difensive o curative.
Nell’ottica del somatic experiencing, il metodo con cui l’autore porta avanti da decenni il lavoro sui sintomi post-traumatici, il trauma non è una malattia, ma una risposta fisiologica a una situazione dolorosa o minacciosa dalla quale non c’è via di uscita: l’organismo reagisce con l’impotenza e la paralisi, e all’interno dell’individuo si inscrive quel ricordo traumatico non elaborato che continuerà a ripresentare il conto per il resto della vita. Diventa allora fondamentale, per lavorare sui sintomi del trauma, comprendere in che modo la memoria e i ricordi interagiscano con il funzionamento della psiche e del corpo. È nella memoria procedurale che Levine situa le tracce mnestiche inscritte dal trauma, ed è a quel livello di memoria che è necessario accedere per rinegoziare ed elaborare il trauma. Cruciale è il modo in cui i ricordi traumatici rimangono ancorati alle sensazioni fisiche e agli schemi motori: il somatic experiencing utilizza gli strumenti del movimento, della respirazione e dell’interazione per guidare il paziente a entrare in contatto in maniera graduale con le tracce traumatiche e imparare a gestirne le manifestazioni. Corredato di molti casi clinici e resoconti di sedute, nonché di un ricco apparato fotografico, è un testo rivolto ai terapeuti, ma del tutto accessibile a chiunque sia interessato allo studio clinico e scientifico del ruolo della memoria nel funzionamento dell’essere umano.
With contributions from prominent experts, this pragmatic book takes a close look at the nature of complex psychological trauma in children and adolescents and the clinical challenges it presents. Each chapter shows how a complex trauma perspective can provide an invaluable unifying framework for case conceptualization, assessment, and intervention amidst the chaos and turmoil of these young patients’ lives. A range of evidence-based and promising therapies are reviewed and illustrated with vivid case vignettes. The volume is grounded in clinical innovations and cutting-edge research on child and adolescent brain development, attachment, and emotion regulation, and discusses diagnostic criteria, including those from DSM-IV and DSM-5.
This lucidly written guide presents an innovative approach for treating somatization disorder and related problems, such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The authors’ program integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques with strategies to build emotional self-awareness and interventions to help patients understand and alter their illness behavior. Systematic yet flexible, it is supported by controlled clinical research. The book reviews the conceptual underpinnings of the approach, discusses its ongoing testing and refinement, and offers clear-cut guidelines for assessment and treatment. Special features include illustrative case material, many pointers for practice, and reproducible appendices that provide a 10-session mini-manual and helpful handouts and forms
Treating the Trauma Survivor is a practical guide to assist mental health, health care, and social service providers in providing trauma-informed care. This resource provides essential information in order to understand the impacts of trauma by summarizing key literature in an easily accessible and user-friendly format. Providers will be able to identify common pitfalls and avoid re- traumatizing survivors during interactions. Based on the authors’ extensive experience and interactions with trauma survivors, the book provides a trauma-informed framework and offers practical tools to enhance collaboration with survivors and promote a safer helping environment. Mental health providers in health care, community, and addictions settings as well as health care providers and community workers will find the framework and the practical suggestions in this book informative and useful.
The book offers an overview of the neuropsychology of dissociation as a disorder of non-realization, as well as chapters on assessment, prognosis, case formulation, treatment planning, and treatment phases and goals, based on best practices. The authors describe what to focus on first in a complex therapy, and how to do it; how to help patients establish both internal and external safety without rescuing; how to work systematically with dissociative parts of a patient in ways that facilitate integration rather than further dissociation; how to set and maintain helpful boundaries; specific ways to stay focused on process instead of content; how to deal compassionately and effectively with disorganized attachment and dependency on the therapist; how to help patients integrate traumatic memories; what to do when the patient is enraged, chronically ashamed, avoidant, or unable to trust the therapist; and how to compassionately understand and work with resistances as a co-creation of both patient and therapist.Relational ways of being with the patient are the backbone of treatment, and are themselves essential therapeutic interventions. As such, the book also focused not only on highly practical and theoretically sound interventions, not only on what to do and say, but places strong emphasis on how to be with patients, describing innovative, compassionately collaborative approaches based on the latest research on attachment and evolutionary psychology.
This insightful guide provides a pragmatic roadmap for treating adult survivors of complex psychological trauma. Christine Courtois and Julian Ford present their effective, research-based approach for helping clients move through three clearly defined phases of posttraumatic recovery. Two detailed case examples run throughout the book, illustrating how to plan and implement strengths-based interventions that use a secure therapeutic alliance as a catalyst for change. Essential topics include managing crises, treating severe affect dysregulation and dissociation, and therapist self-care. The companion website offers downloadable reflection questions for clinicians and extensive listings of professional and self-help resources. A new preface in the paperback and e-book editions addresses key scientific advances.
Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes presents the essential principles and methods for planning and sequencing yoga classes. Addressing one of the most popular topics in the yoga profession, this book offers sixty-seven model sequences of yoga poses (asanas) that cover the broad range of yoga student experience, including multiple sequences for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students; yoga for kids, teens, women across the life cycle, and seniors; classes to relieve depression and anxiety; and sequences for each of the major chakras and ayurvedic constitutions. Each sequence provides guidance for teaching the different breathing (pranayama) and meditation techniques that give yoga its transformative power.
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