Hakomi Mindfulness-Centred Somatic Psychotherapy. A comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice
Hakomi is an integrative method that combines Western psychology and body-centered techniques with mindfulnessprinciples from…
Hakomi is an integrative method that combines Western psychology and body-centered techniques with mindfulnessprinciples from…
Molti pazienti trattati con la terapia dialettico-comportamentale soffrono di disturbo da stress post-traumatico (PTSD), ma…
Il passato è la base del futuro e la memoria è il fondamento dell’identità. La…
In Trauma and Memory, bestselling author Dr. Peter Levine (creator of the Somatic Experiencing approach)…
Waking the Tiger offers a new and hopeful vision of trauma. It views the human…
Written for therapists and clients to explore together in therapy, this book is a practical…
Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes presents the essential principles and methods for planning and…
The book Understanding Your Reactions to Trauma: A Guide for Survivors of Trauma and Their…
This insightful guide provides a pragmatic roadmap for treating adult survivors of complex psychological trauma…
The book offers an overview of the neuropsychology of dissociation as a disorder of non-realization,…